October 15, 2018 by Todd Christman

Please “save the date” for the 2019 NATA Foundation Call for Research Abstracts for presentation at the 2020 NATA Clinical Symposia and AT Expo in June in Atlanta. The abstract submission system will open to receive submissions on Oct. 15 and will accept submissions until Nov. 1. A lot has changed over the past few years – here are a few updates and reminders for 2019.
- NEW FOR 2019!!! - Abstract formats have changed for all submission types EXCEPT case reports. The format for Basic Research, Survey Research, Qualitative Research and Meta-analyses & Systematic reviews has been changed to the following subheadings: Context, Methods, Results and Conclusions. Submission formats for case reports will remain the same as last year. The Online Abstract Submission System and the abstract guidelines contain information that will help authors prepare abstracts for submission
- REMINDER: Abstracts can be accompanied by a table or figure! You have the option to include one table or figure (either, not both) with your abstract submission. This is optional if you feel it will help convey the information or data contained in your abstract. Please review the specific guidelines for table/figures in the abstract guidelines
- REMINDER: in order to abide by BOC policy regarding programming CEU-earning programming, all submitters must be prepared to include the following with each submission:
- A brief bio –or- a Resume/CV
- Objectives for your presentation (for example, “….to describe current research findings about….”)
- List which Domain of AT practice{LINK} that best matches your abstract submission
- 1-2 key references supporting the content of the abstract submission.
As always, thank you for your support of the NATA Foundation and the Free Communications program. We look forward to seeing you in June and learning about your current research findings!