College Pre-Season Resources

July 19, 2017 by Todd Christman

By Murphy Grant, MS, ATC, PES

Chair, NATA Intercollegiate Council for Sports Medicine

Research has shown that 2-3 times more injuries occur during preseason practice than in the regular season of play. This increased risk is due to a number of factors - from student athletes reporting for practice after a sustained period of reduced physical activity to players suiting up without proper acclimatization to the extreme heat found in some parts of the country.


With preseason football right around the corner, and other sports not far behind, there is no better time than now to brush up on health and safety best practices. From common injuries such as strains and sprains, to potentially life-threatening conditions like heat illness, we want to ensure that you are armed with the knowledge necessary to help reduce the risk of injury to student athletes – not just in football, but across the entire spectrum of collegiate athletics.


The newly formed Intercollegiate Council for Sports Medicine has identified the following resources to help keep you on top of your game…so that your student athletes can remain in theirs.



NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook

Interassociation Consensus: Independent Medical Care for College Student-Athletes Best Practices

Emergency Action Plans

NATA Position Statement: Emergency Planning in Athletics


NATA Position Statement: Management of Sport Concussion

Environmental Conditions (Extreme Heat and Lightning)

NATA 10 for 10 Presentation, “Environmental Conditions”

Preseason Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines for Secondary School Athletics

NATA Position Statement: Lightning Safety for Athletics and Recreation


NCAA/SSI Interassociation Consensus Statement: Year Round Football Practice Contact Recommendations

Mental Health

Interassociation Consensus: Best Practices for Understanding and Supporting Student-Athlete Mental Wellness 


Is your go-to resource not listed? Share the link in the comment section below to help your colleagues prepare for this pivotal time in collegiate athletics.

For more information on the ICSM contact Patrick Buffum