Servant’s Heart Award

ATTENTION: The Servant's Heart Award will begin taking applications Oct.1 and close Nov. 30. 


The Servant’s Heart Award recognizes deserving secondary school ATs in each district for their service to the athletic training profession, their schools and their communities.

This award recognizes ATs who have:

  • Demonstrated a long-term commitment to the secondary school setting.
  • Provided public awareness, promotion and education about the AT’s role in their local communities.
  • Helped establish and maintain the athletic trainers’ presence in the secondary school setting.
  • Promoted the secondary school setting as a career-destination.
  • Exhibited a consistent and exemplary level of student athletic health care.
  • Provided public awareness, promotion and education for sports safety and injury prevention.



  • NATA member in good standing.
  • Current BOC certification.
  • Current NPI#
  • At least 75% of current job responsibility must involve primary health care of secondary school athletes.
  • Currently employed as a full-time athletic trainer (or equivalent) in a high school setting OR retired, if:
    • Retired within the last two calendar years. 
    • Meet all other eligibility requirements and criteria for nomintation. 


  • AT has made progressive and substantial improvements to his/her athletic training program.
  • AT provides extraordinary service to local community.
  • Current or former member of at least one committee or board as an athletic trainer. (Membership may be athletic training related at state, regional or national level or can be on another sportsafety/healthcare board.)



Award nominations begin Oct.1.The deadline for nominations is Nov. 30. Nominees will be notified by email of their nomination and next steps. Winners will be announced in Spring of 2025. 


Nominate an AT






Jennifer Armstrong MS, ATC, District 3
Hal Hilmer MA, ATC, District 4
Tommy Blanco MAT, ATC, District 8
Dale Blair MS, ATC, CSCS, District 10