The Athletic Training Education Journal invites submissions for a special issue focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice.
It is critical that athletic training education programs prepare graduates to work respectfully and effectively with diverse patient populations and in diverse work environments. Therefore, the mission of this special issue is to examine how educators are teaching, discussing, and promoting topics related to diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, cultural competence, cultural proficiency and cultural intelligence, health literacy, social determinants of health, improving health disparities and health care disparities, and eliminating implicit bias, explicit bias, and racism within didactic and clinical education. This includes educating athletic trainers at all levels and all stages of their careers (professional, postprofessional, residency, fellowships, and professional development).
We also invite papers that describe how programs and organizations demonstrate acts of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice (ie, pedagogy, recruitment and retention, professional and faculty development, patient care). Specifically, we seek original research, educational technique, and systematic review manuscripts across all educational levels.
Topics can include but are not limited to classroom instruction or clinical education, faculty development, recruitment and retention strategies, creating a safe space, and providing culturally competent patient-centered care. For those at the professional level, techniques addressing the new competencies are encouraged. The discussion should address how your experiences and outcomes with the technique can benefit continued advancement, including a description of your successes and your recommendations for future implementation.
Please review the Authors’ Guide for instructions on preparing manuscripts. All submissions will undergo the normal Athletic Training Education Journal peer-review process and, therefore, acceptance is not guaranteed.
To have your manuscript considered for the issue, submit by January 15, 2022
Please direct questions to the Editorial Office (e-mail: atej@slu.edu) or to Senior Associate Editors Kirk J, Armstrong, EdD, ATC (armst2kj@jmu.edu) or Stacy E. Walker, PhD, ATC, FNATA (sewalker@bsu.edu).